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Tunnel Trouble: The Shocking Truth About Air Quality in Your Daily Commute!

Do you rely on the subway train network for your daily or even occasional commute? Beware; you might be inhaling 130% more...

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Why Smart Cities Should Invest in PAMARES Air Purification System

As the call for smarter and eco-friendly urban spaces intensifies amid a concerning decline in city air quality, municipalities...

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The future of Clean Air: WHO shifts focus on aerosol transmission

During the COVID-19 pandemic all attention went to surface contamination and virus transmission. Even though scientists warned...

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#covid19, #WHO, #airborne,

SpUk SLA Subsidie Schone Lucht Akkoord Air Clean Up financieren van luchtreiniging PM2,5 emissies

“Schone lucht is van levensbelang. Jaarlijks sterven er 11.000 mensen vroegtijdig aan de gevolgen van luchtvervuiling.” Zo opent...

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#infra, #luchtvervuiling, #Luchtkwaliteit,

(press release)Aanpak luchtvervuiling Start-Up StaticAir innoveert met FDRS installatie in Europa’s duurzaamste tunnel te Den Haag

Geldermalsen, 25 juni 2020In de afgelopen maanden is door de verspreiding van COVID-19 duidelijk bewustzijn gecreëerd voor de...

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Europe’s most sustainable tunnel project installed air purifiers to reduce particulate matter emissions

The Netherlands, Geldermalsen, June 24, 2020In recent months, the spread of COVID-19 has created clear awareness about the air...

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#tunnels, #sustainability, #StaticAir,

The impact of air pollution on viruses like COVID-19

In October 2019 a university in Goyang, South Korea published a paper on the influence of (ultra-) fine dust on respiratory...

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Dutch company StaticAir has PAMARES system removing air pollution at Bangkok Thailand

Bangkok – How to reduce air pollution? The first ultra-fine dust reduction system PAMARES of StaticAir is in operation in...

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